...or rather his cavalcade as he passed the snarl of traffic in which our bus was entangled. We had to wait 3 hours at the outside of our compound. Helicopters were buzzing overhead. Women swathed in abayas were begging armed guards to let them in to their homes so they could care for their children. Men were honking maniacally, and riots were only stemmed by army Rambos stationed every 25 yards along all major highways. We'd been told that George Bush was coming this week, but information was carefully guarded, and we had no idea when he would arrive or why he was here. We certainly had no idea of this! Tomorrow school will be cancelled and businesses will be closed as all routes to anywhere will be cordoned off. Really, I just wish "W" would sit around and watch TV until November. The last thing the Middle East needs is $20 billion in weapons.
Links #138
2 days ago
The last thing the Middle East needs is $20 billion in weapons.
With our track record (funding/supplying Saddam and Osama in the past), I'd venture to guess that Saudi Arabia (or elements therein) will use our own weapons against us at some future time.
I tend to believe that once a president is elected, he or she should have to just stay in the White House for the duration of their term. That way they don't keep inconveniencing people...the rest of us...who are actually doing something productive with our lives.
Not to mention the amount of money that is being wasted for all those cars and plane rides and security personnel.
Why can't they (all presidents, not just Bush) just stay home and teleconference?
Connor, scary, isn't it? Who is approving these things??
lol, Ima. The rumor here is that Bush brought 300 military personnel with him for security. Could that be true? Imagine the cost.
Why would he need them. There are around five hundred Saudi troops around the perimeter of the Diplomatic Quarters already. I didn't see a single U.S. troop just a bunch of Saudis freezing their buns off looking bored when I went to work this morning.
DH, They are over at the Palace, aren't they? That is where Bush spent the night last night. My real question is, where are the weapons, and who is guarding them??
I'll have to tell some stories about weapons shipments and Saudia some day. Maintenance has not been a strong point. As a result, they have a lot of scrap ordinance, a lot.
When Bush was in Israel, I saw an article in the Haaretz that Israel was spending $25,000/hr. on his security. That's a pretty expensive guest.
$25,000 per hour?
That's much more than my mother and I live on, combined, in a year.
I'm sorry, but that is just obscene.
I wish we don't need to worry about the war and politics..
By the way, I'm here to ask you a favor. I've googled and found your blogger. I'll move to Vernal for my new job but haven't found a plcae to stay. I'm single, RM, graduate from BYU-Idaho, and accountant. Could you help me out? I always made lots of phone calls for the apt or rooms, but it's been too hard. If you know any one who is looking for a roommate, or has an available room, could you let me know? If I knew your e-mail address, I'd send you an e-amil, but it's the best way for me. Sorry.
Soeun, Maybe you knew my daughter Flora at BYUI? We will ask her boyfriend if he knows any guys who need a roomie. I will also contact my former bishop. email me at clbruno at hotmail.
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